What does does EEIG mean ? * What is the function of an EEIG ? * What kind of benefits do I have ?
German high court of Finance:
• Principle statement as the basis of the EEIG for Germany:
„Kein Steuerpflichtiger ist verpflichtet, den Sachverhalt so zu gestalten, dass ein Steueranspruch entsteht. – Vielmehr steht es ihm frei, die Steuer zu vermeiden und eine Gestaltung zu wählen, die eine geringere Steuerbelastung nach sich zieht.“ Bundesfinanzhof,
Beschluss vom 20.05.1997,
Az. VIII B 108/96
"No taxpayer shall be obliged to make the facts (arrangements) so that a tax becomes chargeable. - Rather, he is free to avoid the tax and to choose a design (construct) that attracts a lower tax burden on it
"Federal Fiscal.
Decision of 20.05.1997,
Az VIII B 108/96
On our Website we will explain you exactly the basic spirit of an EEIG, how and why this legal entity was established, respectively how one can use it and how it will work without great financial funds. A EEIG must have at least two partners, which could be a company or private person, in two different EU member countries. The EEIG may be seated in a third EU countrie. With what kind of consequences this legal entity will operate for me or my company:
„A European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) is a type of legal entity created on 1985-07-25 under European Community (EC) Council Regulation 2137/85.[1] It is designed to make it easier for companies in different countries to do business together, or to form (consortia) joint ventures to take part within the EU (programmes).
Its activities must be ancillary to those of its members, and, as with a partnership, any profit or loss it makes is attributed to its members. Thus, although it is liable for VAT and employees’ social insurance, it is not liable to corporate tax. It has unlimited liability. It was based on the pre-existing French groupement d´intérêt économique (G.i.e.).
Several thousand EEIGs now exist, active in fields as varied as agricultural marketing, legal advice, research and development, osteopathy, motorcycle preservation and cat-breeding. One of the more famous EEIGs is the Franco-German television channel ARTE.[2] Among other EEIGs:
• European Advertising Lawyers Association (EALA)
• EDCTP: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership
• EURESA (operational and flexible tool for cooperation and collaboration among ten European insurance companies belonging to the Social Economy)
• Eurocité basque Bayonne - San Sebastian
• European Business School Paris
• Eurostar
• Thalys
• European Vaccine Initiative: European Vaccine Initiative : EVI „ (source Wikipedia)
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